Reasons & Solutions for Abnormal Dog Behavior
Different dogs have different personalities and habits. It’s what makes them so lovable and interesting! But if your pet shows unusual behavior that you haven’t previously seen, you just can’t afford to ignore it, especially if the behavior is destructive or harmful. Abnormal dog behavior such as excessive vocalization, compulsion, and aggressive behavior are typically triggered by fear, phobias, anxiety, or stress. In some cases, the unusual behavior may be caused by a disease or illness. So, what are the most common abnormal dog behavior and what should you do about them?
Canines communicate through barking and howling. Dogs vocalize when excited or seeking attention, or if they sense danger or a threat. But if your pet seems to be barking, howling, or whining more than usual, this may be a sign that he’s bored or anxious. To address such abnormal behavior in a dog:
Biting and chewing are common dog behavior. Dogs may bite due to fear, defensiveness, or when they’re in pain. However, if biting becomes excessive so as to become destructive and even hazardous to the household and other people, it’s time to take some action.
It’s kind of amusing seeing a dog digging in the yard--that is, until he starts to ruin your prized garden. If you observe abnormal digging behavior in your pet dog, the reason may be boredom, fear, or anxiety. Some dogs also dig to create a nest for cooling off, or to hide toys or a bone.
If your dog has been potty trained and is suddenly unable to control when and where he urinates or defecates, it’s naturally a cause for worry. It could get frustrating if your dog poops or urinates at the most inappropriate times and places. It’s best to take him to the vet to rule out any medical conditions such as bladder, kidney, or urinary tract problems. If you just welcomed the dog or puppy in your new home, the sooner you give him toilet training, the better.
Getting separated from their owners is one of the most common abnormal dog behavior causes. You could tell your pet is suffering from separation anxiety if he engages in compulsive behavior like chewing, scratching, and barking; or clingy behavior, like trying to get near you all the time or trying to follow you when you try to leave. If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, you can try some behavior modification training.
Aggression is troubling abnormal behavior in dogs. As a pet owner, you should be able to tell by your dog’s body language whether he’s just being playful or has become aggressive. Growling, barking, raised fur, showing teeth, and biting are definite signs of aggression. Well-behaved dogs may suddenly become aggressive if they’re fearful or feeling pain. Sudden personality change in canines are almost often medically related.
If you ever see your dog eating grass or any object he’s not supposed to be eating, it could be because he’s just bored or simply prefers the flavor. If the habit persists, however, it could be a sign of a deeper health problem. Also referred to as pica, eating objects other than food may be caused by stress, anxiety, starvation, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency, or diseases like diabetes.
Abnormal sexual behavior in dogs include humping or thrusting at anything and everything, even if the dog has been spayed and neutered. It’s generally harmless and even funny at times, but if the behavior starts to seem excessive or if your dog exhibits aggression if you try to stop him from humping, then there might be a bigger problem.
Begging for food, or even stealing food, could be considered abnormal dog behavior, particularly if you’ve been feeding your pet the recommended amount of food at a regular schedule. It might be hard to refuse when your dog is begging for a share of your dinner but in the long run, it’s best for you and your dog if you don’t encourage this habit.
Excessive licking or over-grooming is abnormal dog behavior that may be triggered by anxiety or stress. If your dog can’t stop licking himself, it’s also possible that he’s feeling pain or discomfort from a wound or infection that he’s merely trying to relieve. Dogs with arthritis or allergies may also lick themselves more often. Dogs that seem to lick every object in sight may be doing so because they’re feeling nauseous or having a digestive problem.
As a dog owner, you know your dog best. You should be able to tell if your dog is just being his normal self or is acting quite unusual. Find out the cause for the unusual behavior. The best course of action in most cases would be to seek help from a vet, as most abnormal dog behavior may be linked to health problems. If your pet turns out to be healthy and the problem is psychological or behavioral, perhaps you just need to give your dog a little more attention. Offer him distractions, give him plenty of exercise, and if you can, invest time in behavioral training to improve his quality of life.
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Over 10 million dogs and cats are lost or stolen every year. You can report your missing pets with PawMaw. We can notify thousands nearby within a minute.
My dog seems frightened looking around like it\'s seeing something moves with me everywhere closely.just not normal for This dog .
Really interesting post!