Are you worried that your cat is shedding too much? Shedding is normal for cats. But even as some of them might shed a bit more when seasons change, a little too much shedding may be caused by something else. A cat shedding a lot may indicate lacks of nutrition or some underlying medical condition. If you start to notice your pet cat shedding a little more than usual, here are the possible reasons behind it.
1. Poor diet
Excessive cat shed may be caused by an imbalanced diet. Your cat needs vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy and lustrous coat. If you’re feeding your cat low-quality food, it may result in a coat that looks dull and constantly shedding. You might need to change your cat food to a higher quality brand, but make sure to consult your vet first.
2. Medical conditions
Why does my cat shed so much hair? Certain health issues can cause excessive shedding in your feline friends. In the same way, your cat may also shed a lot if she is being administered medication for other health problems.
• Cat allergies
Why does my cat shed so much fur? Medical problems like cat allergies may be causing skin and shedding problems in your cat. Cat allergies may be seasonal or caused by something they inhaled or ingested.
• Ringworm
Ringworm is a type of fungal infection that affects cats’ skin. Symptoms include crustiness in affected spots as well as brittle and broken fur that falls of rapidly.
• Parasites
Fleas and other parasites cause itchiness and irritation in cats. As a reaction, felines would bite, scratch, and overgrown themselves, causing excessive shedding.
• Thyroid disease
Thyroid disease is not that uncommon among cats. If the thyroid gland is either overactive or not active enough, it can cause health problems and symptoms that include hair loss, weight loss, and rapid heart rate.
• Pregnancy
Does the cat shed more during pregnancy? Some of them do, as a matter of fact. This would be due to hormonal changes in the body if they’re carrying babies. Mother cats will also likely shed most of their fur in the belly area, when they start nursing their newborn kittens.

3. Cat anxiety
Cats, like humans, can suffer from anxiety, too. Overgrooming resulting in too much shedding is one of the symptoms of cat anxiety. The most common causes of anxiety include changes in surroundings (such as when you move to another home), being introduced to a new pet or household member, boredom, aging, and fear.
4. Season changes
Changing of the seasons would usually bring about excessive shedding not only in cats but in dogs as well. Animals grow thicker coats during the winter. Come spring, it’s definitely cat shedding season and it’s only normal to see a larger amount of shedding in your pets.

5. Aging
If you’re asking why does my old cat shed so much, aging is also a likely cause. Older cats are unable to groom themselves as well as when they were younger. This would result in matted coats and a noticeable increase in shedding. Aging cats are also more prone to anxiety, which would be another likely reason why older cats shed so much.
Cat Shedding a Lot: What to Do?
The good news is there are things you can do to prevent excessive shedding in cats. Constant observation, a healthy diet, and proper grooming are important in maintaining a healthy coat. If you suspect a more serious health issue, you should definitely consult your vet.
1. Regular grooming
Grooming is part of basic cat care. Brush your cat’s coat regularly, especially if you own a particularly hairy cat. Twice or thrice a week should be enough to collect loose hair and reduce shedding. Use a wide-tooth wire comb and follow the direction of hair growth throughout your cat’s body. Regular brushing also helps eliminate dead skin cells—and keep your cat happy. Spending time grooming your cat actually has the additional benefit of reducing cat anxiety.
2. Healthy diet
Why does my cat shed so much? Excessive shedding and flaky skin are possible indications that your cat is lacking nutrition. A healthy diet that includes Omega-3 fatty acids is absolutely essential for maintaining a shiny, lustrous coat. You may also consult your vet if your cat could use some supplements to help her grow a healthier coat.
3. Bathing
Bathing can actively reduce shedding in cats—if done properly and granted that your cat is open to the idea. If your cat gets regular baths, try using soap-free oatmeal-based cat shampoo, which effectively and gently exfoliates the skin.
If your cat isn’t exactly fond of bathing, you can start getting her accustomed to the idea by taking it slow. Fill the tub with warm water up to four inches high. Put the cat in the water so that only her feet get wet and see how she reacts. If your cat seems to tolerate it, gradually build up and get more of your cat’s body soaked each time. Some cats may never like bathes do, no matter how hard you try. This is also perfectly normal.

4. Treat fleas and parasites
Make routine checks on your cat’s coat and look for signs of ticks and fleas. If you detect parasites, it’s possible that your cat’s skin is irritated by pollens, molds, or ectoparasites. Your veterinarian can recommend effective treatment remedies.
Cat shedding can be managed through regular grooming and proper nutrition. With a cat shedding a lot suddenly, it could be an indication that your cat is suffering from health problems, parasites, or even anxiety. If the excessive shedding is accompanied by other symptoms or strange behavior, take your cat to the vet to be examined. If you suspect your cat is suffering from anxiety, watch out for symptoms, and know how to deal with cat anxiety.