Your dog wants to feel loved at all times, and it wants to feel free and wanted. But you would prefer it to know, that even though you are cool with it's “doggy philosophy”, there are always a few boundaries. You want to discipline your dog and correct its behavior in the best possible way, but you want to achieve this without affecting the trust it has in you.
It is important to reprimand your dog for its bad behavior without abusing it - this counts as abuse since dogs can feel emotions too. Punishment is not an efficient method because it can make your dog fear and feel unwanted, and can turn it aggressive and insecure- bad news for the dog and everyone else.

The good news is that dogs are creatures of routine. So what you train it with is what it lives with.
Why do Dogs misbehave?
A sophisticated dog owner should be able to interact with the dog on the basis that most of its actions spur from its animal instincts, and are not intended to harm or disrespect no matter the circumstance surrounding the actions.
Dogs may misbehave for the following reasons;
● Boredom
● Breed characteristics
● Anxiety
● Adolescent dog behavior
Due to your busy schedule or whether or festivity that requires restraining and more time indoor for your dog, it can become bored and frustrated, and this can lead to many undesirable behaviors such as excessive barking, digging and destructive behavior. Boredom can also contribute to more serious problems, such as separation anxiety and obsessive behaviors.
Breed Characteristics:
Dog breeds have different behavior during circumstances. While some dogs are well reserved and open to house-train, others are not. It is important to understand which breed your dog belongs even before taking them. For instance, a terrier is meant to dig, retrievers want to carry stuff around. So, in the real sense, we are restraining them from their instincts and drives, rather than assisting them and helping them become better at what they were born for.
Dogs are very sensitive to changes in their environment and routine. They become anxious and start to misbehave. The reaction to these changes can be as little as refusing to eat their food or extreme, such as persistent barking and chewing. When your dog’s experience this anxiety, they want a lot of your attention. You as the dog owner must understand that the bad behavior was the only response that you can help it handle better in the future. Aggressive behavior towards humans, dogs, and other animals excessive barking, restlessness, and destructive behavior are the most obvious symptoms of anxiety in a dog.
Adolescent Dog Behavior:
The adolescent period typically starts after five months of age and will be over when a dog reaches physical maturity, up to three years old. The fifth to eight months is usually the most challenging adolescent period, during this period the tendency to misbehave is higher. The changes in hormones, brain, and body affect your dog’s physical and psychological abilities, which is normal.
How to Discipline a Dog for Bad Behavior?
Understanding the right way to encourage good behavior in a dog - especially from its an early stage as a puppy - will help greatly, so it’s crucial to use the most efficient methods and training techniques. Use these puppy obedience training tips;
● The reward for good behavior
● Deprivation
Encourage your dog to do what you want with reward. You reward good behavior from your dog with something the dog appreciates from you. And also deprive your dog of your attention, and special treatment for its misbehavior - you should do this only when it has positive effects on your dog’s behavior and not make matters worse.

Ways to Help Your Dog with Discipline:
Your aim is to discipline your dog, help it and make it understand what’s allowed and what’s not tolerated. Your aim is not to make it terrified or afraid of you. Abandoning the idea of punishing your dog, and shifting your attention to a more constructive disciplinary approach can be more effective and rewarding. It helps your dog learn through controlled circumstances, and quickly understand.
The following disciplinary approaches should be used instead of punishing it;
● Walk your dog
● Make a daily routine for your dog
● Voice command
● Give special treats
● Avoid excesses during the discipline
● Correct it at the time of misbehaving
Walk With Your Dog:
The reason for your dog’s misbehavior may be due to boredom, or the breed it belongs. Does your dog get enough physical and mental exercise? Depending on age, breed, and tolerance dogs may need to get one, two or more hours of daily exercise to help them stay fit mentally and physically. Rewarding your dog by walking it may be a great thing to do. Just make our research beforehand to ensure you are not taking the dog beyond what its breed can tolerate.

Voice Command:
Gaining authority over your dog helps you to make it understand what you would appreciate or disapprove of, and the earlier you set boundaries for your dog, the better. Saying No! Consistently and calmly at the appropriate times can help your dog realize that you are in control and they need to obey you to get what they want from you.
Give Special Treats:
Reward with your dogs with special treats when they listen to you and deprive your dog of it when they disregard your order. Repeat your actions every time your dog does this obey or disregard you. Soon, it will understand your point and act accordingly.

Avoid Excesses During The Discipline:
Rewarding your dog for its obedience or depriving them of your special attention and treats should do with caution. You do not want to over pamper your dog, or make it get a wrong picture about you not being caring. Remember what you want is a better bond and not separation.
Correct your dog at the time of misbehaving:
Discipline your dog at the appropriate times. You do not want it to be confused or even think your reward is for doing the wrong thing.
Change is a hard process for humans, and dogs are no exception. You want to provide the best for your dog, but you must understand that to help it through the process of this change, you need consistency, patience, and commitment yourself. Train your dogs by using the reward. Your attention, affection, and special treatment are the reward and it is the key to discipline your dog’s bad behavior and not punishment.