Do Dogs Get Tired of Barking?
As most dog owners will attest to, having a furry canine companion can be incredibly rewarding. After all, they’re man’s best friends for a reason. Their unconditional love and loyalty, as well as their often boundless energy, make them excellent house pets and often exceptional guard dogs.
As guard dogs, they will often bark to alert you to any potential threats. However, sometimes, the barking can get a little too much, especially when it happens at night. This can prompt dog owners like yourself to ask, “do dogs get tired of barking?”
While it may seem harmless and simply frustrating, the excessive barking may be a sign of an underlying issue, such as stress or something similar.
With that said, check out the most common reasons for excessive barking and the best ways you can address this issue.
More often than not, it can feel like your dog can continue barking for what seems like an eternity. This may be even why you ask yourself the question “do dogs ever get tired of barking.” However, similar to how people get tired after talking for a long time, dogs can actually get tired of barking too.
In fact, two factors affect just how long dogs can bark – the reason they’re barking and their physical capacity or limitations. For the former, dogs bark as long as they have the reason to. If it’s intruders or other threats, they may keep on barking until it goes away.
However, in some cases, especially when there’s no actual threat present, it might be tough to get them to stop barking. In that case, they will bark until they reach their physical limits.
The process of barking is similar to how humans talk – air passes through the vocal cords, resulting in sounds that serve as communication. Moreover, like speaking in humans, excessive barking can take its toll on your dog, especially if it’s putting too much strain on their vocal cords.
As mentioned, barking is typical behavior for dogs, as this is how they express themselves without words. It could mean anything; it could be a way to get your attention or serve as a form of greeting.
It can also be a way for them to alert you to potential threats, such as intruders on your property. However, when dogs bark incessantly, especially when there’s no immediate threat or cause, it may be a sign of something deeper.
So, if you’re asking yourself, “why is my dog barking more than usual,” check out some of the typical reasons dogs bark with no apparent reason below.
Stressful as their incessant barking may be for you, it might also be a sign that they’re experiencing a lot of stress themselves. Excessive barking is typical in dogs who are undergoing a lot of stress, especially in older dogs. This is because they might be experiencing memory loss and confusion due to their advanced age.
Therefore, if your older dog is barking a lot, it might be due to the stress they’re feeling due to their declining senses. On the other hand, if they’re younger or still a puppy, they might still be barking due to higher than normal stress levels.
This might be caused by various factors, such as being in an unfamiliar place, loud noises, or being around strange people.
Another common reason for dogs barking a lot is that they’re trying to get your attention. While this often means that they want affection from you, the incessant barking could also mean that they need something.
For example, if they’re trained to relieve themselves outdoors, the barking may indicate that they need you to take them out for a potty break. Forgetting to take them out to do their business when you get home might result in your dog barking a lot at night.
Aside from this, the incessant barking may also indicate that they want to play or want a treat. This is common, especially in highly energetic dog breeds, such as terriers and Chihuahuas.
Suppose you’re always away or leave home for extended periods. In that case, your dog might feel lonely or bored and start barking as a way to express their unhappiness.
If they get used to this, they may continue barking anytime they feel unhappy, which can be problematic, especially if it happens at night.
Barking due to boredom can also mean that your dog is not receiving enough stimuli to satisfy its need for such. This can be common for dog breeds whose personalities aren’t designed for prolonged isolation.
While barking is typical when dogs detect potential threats, excessive barking may indicate that your dog is experiencing anxiety or an intense level of fear. While it may seem like it is, anxiety is not a condition exclusive to humans.
Various animals, such as dogs and even cats, can also suffer from anxiety, and it can manifest differently in different species. For example, non-stop barking, especially at night, is common in dogs suffering from anxiety.
So, if you’re asking, “why do dogs bark at night when there’s nothing going on,” this may be the reason behind it.
Another potential reason dogs bark non-stop is that they might be in pain or experiencing discomfort. Barking may be a way for them to express the pain and discomfort they’re experiencing.
This pain can be due to an underlying medical condition, such as an infection or a small but deep wound. If this is the case, aside from non-stop barking, your dog may also shy away from being touched or any other form of physical contact.
If your dog is barking a lot, it can pose several problems for you, especially if they keep doing it at night. It can disrupt not only your sleep but can also be disruptive for your neighbors who are trying to get enough restful sleep.
As a result, this can put a strain on your relationship with your neighbors. Therefore, it’s crucial to find ways to address your dog’s excessive barking.
With that said, here are several tips on how you can address your dog’s excessive barking.
As mentioned, excessive barking, especially when there’s no evident threat, can mean something more serious is going on with your canine friend. For example, they can be under a lot of stress due to a change in environment or old age.
In addition, they can also be experiencing stress due to anxiety and intense fear. In some cases, excessive barking can even be a sign of an underlying medical condition that causes them pain and discomfort.
Therefore, it’s best to take them to their vet and have them thoroughly checked to rule these possibilities out. If the vet finds anything, they can prescribe the proper treatment, such as medications or alternative methods to help address the issue.
If they suffer from anxiety, the vet can also help your dog undergo desensitization to help them deal with what’s causing their anxiety. Addressing the root cause of their barking won’t just make them stop barking incessantly, but it can also even save your dog’s life.
If your vet rules out underlying medical conditions as the cause, the next method you can try out is to train them. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to go through hours and hours of dog training courses.
In fact, it could be as simple as ignoring the bad behavior you want to correct (the excessive barking) while rewarding good behavior (keeping quiet). This is ideal for excessive barking due to excitement and attention-seeking behavior.
Of course, it may be tempting to react and reprimand them whenever they start barking, but it’s vital that you don’t. This is because your dog might misinterpret your reaction as you communicate back to them.
So, to address this issue, you can train them to keep quiet by rewarding them with a treat whenever they stop barking. Later on, your dog will learn to associate being quiet with rewards and stop using barking as a way to gain your attention.
If they’re barking because they’re too energetic, giving them enough exercise can stop your dog from barking a lot at night. Ensuring they engage in plenty of physical activity during the day can provide them the stimuli and movement they need to keep them from getting restless at night.
In fact, exercise is generally considered the most basic remedy when addressing various canine behavioral issues. This is because if your dog is has exhausted all its energy while playing during the day, it’ll be too tired to bark non-stop at night and opt to sleep instead.
Another potential reason your dog keeps on barking at night is that they may need to go outside to relieve themselves. This is especially true if they have been trained to go outside and only outside.
So, if you forget to take them out in the afternoon so that they can do what they need to do, they might end up barking non-stop at night. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, make sure that you keep to their routine and remember to take them out for a walk.
Not only will this keep them from barking incessantly during the night, but it can also prevent them from having accidents on your floors.
If your dog keeps barking due to boredom, it would be best to ensure that they have enough stimulating objects around to keep them entertained. This is especially true if you need to be away from home for hours at a time.
For example, you can provide several entertaining toys for your dog to keep him occupied while you’re at work. An example of these toys is food-dispensing toys, which are available in various shapes and sizes.
This can keep your dog entertained and happy for several hours without over-feeding them. Another alternative would be bringing them to a doggy day-care where they can interact with other dogs.
If this isn’t an option, you can always ask a close friend or relative who loves dogs to come over and keep your canine friend company while you’re at work.
When your dog barks non-stop when there’s no evident reason, you may end up asking yourself, “do dogs get tired of barking.” It may seem like they don’t, but they do, especially if their barking puts too much strain on their vocal cords.
However, their relentless barking can disrupt you and others in your neighborhood before they get too tired to stop. Therefore, it would be best to find out why they’re constantly barking and take measures to address the underlying issues.
So, what about you? Does your dog bark constantly? What steps have you taken to address the issue? Let us know in the comments below!
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My dog barks every time I take him out and I go to the garbage can just to go around the block or just to go around the side of the building it gets on my nerves and my neighbor\'s nerves just to leave him for 5 seconds he boxes if something is going on with him what can I do