Why is Your Dog Drinking Too Much Water?


Is your dog drinking too much water? If you’ve noticed your dog sloshing around his water bowl far more down usual, it could naturally be a cause for worry. It’s true that some dogs just love to drink water, and it’s usually normal for canines to feel thirsty more frequently during warm weather. But only you, who know your dog very well, should be able to tell if your little buddy has been drinking a lot more than usual. In some cases, there might be an underlying health problem that needs immediate attention.

How Much is Too Much?

A healthy dog would drink about 20-70ml/kg of water per day. The amount of consumption would also vary according to factors like their diet or the weather. Dogs normally lose water when they sweat through their noses and foot pads. When they pant as a way of cooling themselves, dogs also lose water from their bodies through evaporation.

Frequent urination may accompany excess water intake, which may in turn point to dehydration or underlying organ disease. In fact, when your dog is drinking too much water, it could simply mean his body is responding to an internal problem that’s prompting his body to lose fluids faster than normal.


Here Is An Infographic That Shows How Much Water a Dog Drink Per Day.

Possible Causes

The condition of a dog drinking too much water is called polydipsia by veterinarians. The condition may be a sign of underlying health problems which may include:

  • Dehydration. Can occur as a result of diarrhea or vomiting. If your dog is urinating more frequently, he’s also at risk of dehydration

  • Kidney insufficiency. When the kidneys fail for reasons such as an infection, toxins, or a chronic disease, excessive urine is produced, leading to excessive water intake.

  • Diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus. Excessive drinking and urination could be signs of unregulated body sugar.

  • Cushing’s disease. This is a type of adrenal hormone whereas the dog’s body produces too much cortisol, causing hormonal imbalance.

  • Addison’s disease. It’s also possible that the body is not producing enough cortisol.

  • Liver disease. Liver damage can affect normal function such as fat metabolism, protein and hormone production, blood detoxification, among others. This could easily lead to excessive drinking and urination.

  • Potassium deficiency, excess blood calcium. An imbalance in electrolytes may lead to excessive water intake.

  • Medical side effects. If your dog has been prescribed drugs for a certain condition, he may be experiencing a side effect.

  • Psychogenic polydipsia. Although it is rare, polydipsia may sometimes be triggered by boredom or anxiety.

  • Uterine infection. This is common in unspayed female dogs.

These are all serious diseases that fortunately, can be cured or managed medically. If you notice your dog drinking too much water and vomiting, it’s indeed possible that he is ill.

What to Do

If you’re worried about your canine friend drinking too much water, continue giving your dog as much water as he wants as restricting access may also cause further problems. Make sure the water is fresh and clean. However, do not ignore the fact that there might be a bigger problem.


1. Put your dog under observation.

If you notice a case of going back to his water bowl more frequently than usual, it’s advisable you observe your dog first for 24-48 hours. Make sure he has access to fresh water round the clock. Has he engaged in any strenuous exercise or play activities? Your pet could also feel thirstier if you had him on a new dog food brand or dry food diet. A dog drinking a lot of water but not eating almost certainly means a visit to the vet is in order. Try to see if you can measure his water intake. Your vet would find this information helpful.

2. Check for dehydration.

You may also check if he may be suffering from dehydration. A dog drinking too much water may in fact be dehydrated, which can be life-threatening if not given proper attention. A quick dehydration test you can do yourself: grab some fur on the back of your dog’s neck, hold a few seconds, and release. If he has normal water levels, the fur will fall back into place in an instant. If the fur stays up after you released your grip, it’s definitely a sign that your canine buddy is dehydrated.

3. Set an appointment with your vet.

So, you’ve done your observation and things are not looking so good. It’s time to make a call to your vet. It would save you a lot of time and stress if you come prepared. Diagnosing the medical reason behind my dog drinking too much water isn’t easy so your vet would be sure to ask you lots of questions. If you can, write down everything from your period of observation.

  • Times your dog took a drink
  • Times of urination
  • Eating schedule
  • Any changes in routine
  • Note if my dog drinks too much water and throws up
  • Note if dog drinking a lot of water not eating
  • Notes on his behavior

When you call for an appointment, ask your vet if you should bring a urine sample so they can test it immediately when you arrive, in case it’s necessary. The vet will most likely be conducting a series of tests to determine what’s ailing your dog.  The important thing is to make sure he is given the care and attention he needs as soon as possible.


We do the best we can to keep our dogs healthy and well. If you think your dog is drinking more water than normal, it can’t hurt to have him checked by the vet as soon as possible. The underlying problem could be new or chronic—either way, it’s better to be on the safe side. Your dog may be drinking too much because he’s dehydrated or responding to medical prescription. As you can see from the possible causes of polydipsia, it might take some time to narrow down the exact problem. If it’s something more serious, it helps to know right away so necessary steps can be taken to make your pooch feel normal again.


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