Rabbits are adorable and delicate creatures that bring joy to pet lovers. Bunny escape stories, however, aren’t uncommon and it’s naturally distressing if you wake up one day and suddenly couldn’t find your pet rabbit. Likewise, unexpectedly finding a lost bunny on the way home or on your yard can also be a cause for worry, especially if it’s a baby and the mother is nowhere to be found. If you ever find yourself in the middle of either situation, here is what you should do:
What to Do If Your Rabbit is Missing
Once you’ve determined that your pet rabbit is, indeed, nowhere to be found, get to work immediately by printing flyers. Include a clear photo of your missing bunny, your contact details, and other helpful information. Put up the flyers in light posts, on your neighbors’ mailboxes, and in areas where there’s high foot traffic such as shops and near schools.
Report the loss of your rabbit to pet rescue service. Someone who might have found a stray rabbit would have also called the same center to report a lost bunny and it could be yours. It’s also a good idea to pay a visit to the shelters and pet rescue centers in the area to see for yourself if your rabbit was taken by someone there.
3. Search The Area.
An escaped rabbit can be anywhere and may have found hiding places much closer to you than you think. Make sure to thoroughly search every room in the house. If the bunny isn’t inside the house, seek help from family and friends to help widen the search in the neighborhood. Check under cars, bushes, and every nook and cranny where the missing rabbit may have squeezed into.
4. Spread Information.
As you comb the neighboring streets for your missing pet, inform all the neighbors and the people you meet about your predicament. Show them the flyers you worked on and they could keep an eye out for you. One person might have spotted your furry friend so it’s best to pass the information around.
The internet can be very useful in helping locate missing pet animals. Share the flyer, you prepared via your Facebook and other social media accounts. Ask friends for help in sharing to their respective networks as well. It doesn’t hurt to have as many people as possible helping out.
6. Be Ready For When It Comes Home.
If it’s been days and you still haven’t found your missing rabbit yet, don’t give up on the possibility that it can still make its way back home. Just leave the hatch open at night and always make sure there are fresh food and milk ready for when it returns.

What to Do If You Found a Stray Rabbit
Inform veterinary clinics, shelters, and/or animal rescue centers in and around the area about the stray. There’s a chance that they’ve heard from someone who is in search of their lost bunny. If it’s baby rabbits you found, you have to consider the possibility that the mother has met an unfortunate road accident or had fallen prey. What should you do then?
You may nurse the baby rabbits and consider keeping them, finding a home for them, or taking them to the shelter. Either way, it’s best to consult with an animal doctor or pet rescue specialists.
2. Capture The Rabbit.
You might have spotted the stray rabbit in your backyard or in the park, and are not quite sure what to do. The first order of business is to capture the animal and put it in a safe place. If it’s an escaped or abandoned bunny, imagine how terrified it must be being out on its own for who knows how long.
Catching a rabbit isn’t easy and might take some time. You can try luring the found rabbit to the same spot every day by leaving out water, pellets, and some fresh vegetables. You may find a list of healthy vegetables for rabbits at Rabbit.org. Use a net to capture the rabbit or call animal rescue for help.
3. Determine The Rabbit Specie.
Find out what type of rabbit you found as this would help you determine what to do next. Rabbitrunaway recommends establishing whether the rabbit is either a bush rabbit, a baby hare (or leveret), or a domestic pet. Bushbabies and leverets are best left alone as their mothers or nests could, in fact, be nearby. If you find these wild rabbits, try to make sure they are somewhere safe from harm, but it’s better not to move them. You can put markers on the nest and check back the next day. You’ll know if the mother has come back to feed her babies or not.
4. Assess The Rabbit’s Health.
Check for signs of illness or injury. If it’s a group of baby rabbits you found, Wildlife Hotline offers advice on how you should check for dehydration to determine if the mother has fed the bunnies recently. The site also provides a checklist you can refer to that would help you assess the animals’ wellbeing.
If you found a stray rabbit that shows signs of bleeding, difficulty breathing, parasites, an obvious injury, and any others mentioned in the checklist, you definitely need to take it to a veterinarian immediately.
5. Search For a Nest.
An important priority upon coming across a seemingly abandoned group of baby bunnies is to search for the den site or the nest. It’s a must that you bring them back to their original den. Search for rabbit nests in shallow depressions on the ground, patches of grass or dirt, potted plants, flower boxes, under pieces of wood panels, or piles of leaves.
Once you find the nest, you may return the bunnies and secure it with an overturned wheelbarrow or any protective material that would still allow the mother to pass through when she returns. Do not, however, attempt to move the nest as mother rabbits have been known never to return to dens that have been moved.
6. Keep The Rabbit Safe.
Now you may have already succeeded in capturing the rabbit or maybe waiting for pet rescue to come by. Whether you decide to keep it or surrender it to an animal shelter, making it feel cared for and protected would help make the stray bunny more adaptable again.
A crate, a bathtub, or a large box can serve as a temporary home. Leave a bowl of water or some fresh greens every day and you will eventually win the rabbit’s trust.

If you’re nursing baby rabbits whose mother you’ve determined will never return, you need to keep them warm and feed them with either cat’s milk or goat milk. You’ll find more helpful tips on how to care for baby rabbits by watching this video.
Have you experienced losing a pet rabbit? Don’t know what to do with a lost rabbit? We hope you found this guide useful. If you have any additional information which you think should have been included, feel free to share your insights in the comments section.
There’s an adult albino bunny hiding under neighbours cars. Animal control showed up and said to call back once it was caught. Brampton July 3rd 2023
My freind is missing a white female bunny with floppy grey ears who answers to the name lily
I need help finding my rabbit ?? he Is all gray and might need surgery on his eye so I need help finding him. He was lost 2 week ago and I can\'t stand another week without him help me
I lost my white and gray bunny last night and we\'ve been searching for hours and we need help finding him. I live in Huntington NY.
Spotted a small white rabbit with black around the eye and short ears at Memorial Park in Rutherford yesterday. I’m going out this morning to try and catch her. I’ll check back in the comments if someone is looking for their lost bunny.
I just lost my rabbit. She\'s white with brown and black ears with color around her eyes. She\'s shy, and she\'s about 6-9 inches across. Help!\r\n\r\nI live in Saratoga btw.
Rabbits can\'t digest milk! Only baby bunnies can drink milk and never cow milk.
I found 2 little bunny\'s and I brought the. Home for the night I now the mother is in the area if I brought them back would the mother go back to look for them I did not hold them
Sheila Woodman, how did you bring them to your home if you didn\'t hold them/pick them up? Obviously you had to of touched them in order to have done that.
Hi, I found a rabbit on my front lawn 2 weeks ago. He is medium size, light brown with a white belly. He seems to be a pet. He,s very tame.
Our black and white holland lop escaped through a hole we didn\'t know was there in our screen it was behind a plant. We are worried sick. Clermont, Fl
Found a white black and brown rabbit on the corner of 441 and riverland in fort Lauderdale.
Missing white bunny with brown spots. Princeton MN
Hey, yesterday I found out that my bunny has escaped, he is white with grey ears and patches on him, his back is mostly white and his tail is grey, he has blue eyes as well. If someone has found him, please tell me I am very worried and anxious
I have found a rabbit in the park, someone abandoned the poor thing. I took he/she home with me. Not sure what to do next. I have 5 cats, they are all very laid back.
A golden bunny has been hanging around our property since late June. Shawnee, PA.
i lost my bunny its only 4 weeks old and its all white with redish pinkish eyes
Adriana, where? I’ve found one by a highway in my area. I have not attempted to approach him/her but he/she looked like a large breed-possibly a Flemish or New Zealand?
I have lost my Black and White rabbit. He\'s mostly white with black patches on his eyes, ears, and all down his back. His name is Barney. He was last seen May 30th @ 4:30 pm outside of my house. Help!
Chin Chin, What state /city do you live in. Found a white rabbit with black spots today. Very friendly
I lost my flemish giant please help! She is fawn colored, very playful, loves cuddles. She is easy to pick up if you know how to pick up large rabbits. Help!
Please help me! My six-month old flemish giant got out of her hutch! I can’t find her! Her name is Bella and she is fawn colored, I’ve only had her for three months and she sort of knows her name. I lost her in Athol, Idaho.
HELP! I have lost an all gray baby bunny! Its very small and very fast!\r\nI don\'t know where it is!
I just found a rabbit in muklteo in 76 station parking lot I am pretty sure it\'s domesticated cuz it was easy to catch just sitting in parking lot looked list and scared it\'s brown I would guess not a baby atleast year old I\'m going take it home figure out were it belongs or try anyway
I found rabbit near in my villa..alquoz 1 area
I found a family of 4 white rabbits that are in serious need of a home. They are very docile and friendly. All are white. A couple and Two little ones. Would love to keep them but it\'s against building rules. Didnt want to leave them out in the park in danger. I tried taking them to an animal shelter but was told can\'t leave them unless they are neutered. I don\'t have the money for that. What do I do? \r\nAny help?\r\nNot for food!
Found a rabbit in my garden looks very young the rabbit runs away every time I try to catch it it\'s a brown colour
We lost our pet rabbit, it is a French lop. He is 7 months old. He is grey and white.
I lost my Rabbit her name is Indy she is brown has white front paws and a stripe of white around her neck we live in Los Angeles,CA she is rilly active and we think that she ascape from the back of are house.
Found a bunny in my front yard, it’s white with brown ears and brown rings around it’s eyes. In orange please contact me if it’s yours!!
Black rabbit appears to be domestic found in my yard on Fort Morgan Way Reno NV. Called animal control and he could not catch him. Looking for any posts for lost black rabbit but can’t find any. It’s hiding in the bushes. I’m afraid a coyote is going to get him.
My bunnies are lost, please Contact me if you see them. I am located in corona, CA. The bunnies are little and black and white
I have lost my pet bunny. He is black and white. We live in Pefferlaw Ontario and have looked everywhere for him. We have put up flyers and gone for many walks to look for him. Few neighbors said they saw him a few days ago but couldnt catch him. Any ideas on other things I can try to get him back?
Hi I have found a gray and white rabbit wondering about. I have catch her and put her in a cage. If anyone has any information please contact me as we want to find the owners.
I found a domestic rabbit on Cornelius Parkway, north york Ontario, on Wednesday, April 15 at approximately 4:30 pm. If you’ve lost a bunny in this area, please contact me. He is safe and being well fed. \r\nplease email me at [email protected]
My rabbit go out of its cage and we don\'t know where he is...He\'s white a has light brown ears and some same color markings on his back. We live in Spokane Valley Washington, and we searched everywhere and still cant find him, we asked everyone we know. I don\'t know what to do anymore... ;(
Saw a tan rabbit at 8:30 tonight on E Olive between 14th and 15th in Capital Hill. East side of street towards 15th. Wouldn’t run away but I couldn’t approach it. Will call animal rescue tomorrow.
I found a tan rabbit in arborheights in west Seattle. No chip.
I\'ve lost my rabbit, it is brown and is a lion head of some sort. What should I do?
MJ, I have found a brown rabbit in my garden in the Hallett Cove area. I have pictures I can send you if you think it may be yours. Thanks, Gwynne
found a lion head bunny he was in our flower bed and when we came up the stairs he followed.
I\'ve found a rabbit In Firth Park that\'s grey with droopy ears. Used to being handled and friendly.
I lost My bunny and she is white and black help me
Gabriel, have you found her? If not, try posting on Facebook to a local page with a picture and last known whereabouts. That may help. I hope you find her!!
Gabriel, did you loose your rabbit in Loganville,GA? Small, friendly bunny,white and black?
I lost my pet rabbit in lake Forest park WA. Her name is Georgie she is grey with a white bottom. Please help me find her. I miss her so much.
I just lost a gray-eared white bunny. She has a mate that has pink ears and is white. Help Pls
Gabriel, we found a black and white bunny near burr oaks in blue springs mo, do you live near ther?
Gabriel, hope you find her