Reasons Why Dogs Chew On Wood And How To Stop It
Why do dogs chew on wood? Many dog owners have come home to find their wooden furniture or trim chewed up. Dogs chew on wood for several reasons. They might be bored, feeling anxious, or even experiencing dental pain. Besides causing damage to your property, chewing on wood is dangerous for the dogs, too. They can swallow small wood splinters, which can harm their internal organs.
Let's explore some common reasons why dogs chew on wood and discuss some home remedies to help stop this behavior.
While some dogs don't chew their food, there are a few different reasons why dogs sometimes just can’t resist munching on wood. They may not manage their chewing and want to soothe themselves. Thus, they chew wood without being destructive.
As a pet parent, you need to understand that dogs have different reasons for chewing wood. Knowing why your pet is chewing can make it easier to address the issue.
Why do puppies chew on wood? Puppies chew on wood because it helps soothe the pain and discomfort of teething. Their teeth start growing quickly between four to 30 weeks, which can be a tough time for them. Another reason for this is that with new teeth, these puppies try to explore everything by chewing whatever they get. And your wooden furniture is one of them. These are the primary reasons why you spotted some unsightly tiny teeth marks on the wood trim.
Adult dogs with dental problems may chew incessantly with their sharp teeth. Their gums may be inflamed, leaving bite marks on the furniture. Due to their pain, dogs chew wood to get some comfort. Try to find your dog's dental issue immediately after they bite your wooden furniture.
If you go to work every day and leave your dog alone at home for long periods, there’s a chance that your dog has turned his attention to your wooden coffee table because he is bored. Dogs exhibiting excessive chewing, as well as compulsive licking and over-grooming, are a few tell-tale signs that they’re in need of more physical exercise and mental stimulation.
Simply put, your furry friend is bored and needs some entertainment. Your wooden furniture is like peanut butter because of the color of them. They have taken this wood-biting habit as their hobby or favorite pastime.
Dog anxiety can show up in various ways, including obsessive chewing on wood. Dogs may feel anxious due to different factors, and figuring out what's troubling your pet is crucial.
For instance, is your dog experiencing separation anxiety? Have there been significant changes in your home, like moving to a new place? Such changes can make your dog feel nervous or upset, leading them to chew on things like wooden window frames or furniture as a way to cope.
Figuring out why your pet is feeling anxious is the initial step in assisting them. Once you know what’s bothering them, you can look for solutions to prevent them from chewing on wood. This might involve providing them with more comfort, changing your routine to reduce their stress, or using specific training strategies to discourage them from damaging the home.
Certain active dog breeds, like Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers, have a tendency to chew aggressively. They have stronger chewing instincts than others. This is because of their powerful jaws and innate curiosity to investigate and handle things.
Retrievers and hunting dogs, for example, have a natural tendency to pick up objects using their mouths due to their instincts.
Some dogs chewing wood excessively may be lacking certain nutrients. There could be several reasons behind these deficiencies. There may be a lack of specific nutrients and vitamins in your dog's diet. Now, they are seeking alternative sources like wood. Sometimes, even dogs chew on damp wood due to thirst.
However, there is no proper evidence that dogs chew words because of nutritional deficiencies. These are some possible reasons. To learn more, consult a vet to figure out the main reason.
Gnawing on wood may also indicate a stomach or intestinal illness. Maybe you are not aware of your furry canine's upset stomach. Notice the dog's behavior if he does not want to eat or sit in one corner alone. Now, he is seeking comfort by munching on wood.
Dogs can chew on wood, and it is normal. However, this can lead to some serious problems, like splintering hazards or digestive issues.
When dogs chew wood splinters, they risk injury to their mouth, throat, abdomen, or even the heart. Ingesting wood can also lead to digestive problems. Your canine may suffer from blockages in the trachea, stomach, or colon. Wooden sticks have the potential to cause serious and painful injuries.
If you do not prevent biting the wood behavior of your dog, he may start biting you aggressively soon. Once you understand what’s causing the destructive chewing behavior, you can take some measures on how to stop a dog from chewing on wood, such as,
If you're wondering how to prevent your dog from gnawing on wood, here are a few tips you can try out.
Once your dog starts chewing, it might take a while before they can break the habit. As a form of prevention, make sure to pick up and put away any stray branches, twigs, and any of the non-edible items in the yard that your dog may have resorted to chewing on when there’s nobody around.
Apart from consistent training and supervision, you may want to restrict your dog from areas inside the house where he might cause some damage to your belongings and to himself. Set up barriers at home or keep him in his crate when there’s no one around to supervise him.
If you’re worried about being harsh, don’t worry because crate training isn’t necessarily a punishment and actually comes with great benefits. For instance, it’s easier to travel with your dog if he’s been crate-trained.
Start training puppies or your adult dog by giving him a firm “No, or Stop” whenever you see him start chewing at the corner of the staircase or the wooden furniture. Following basic dog training techniques, don’t punish or chase your dog when the chewing starts. Instead, offer his favorite treats, pats, or praises when he stops—but it has to be right after you say “No” to help him make the association. Do this consistently until your dog understands that chewing won’t earn him any treats.
Chewing toys can be an easy and effective way to solve the problem of obsessive chewing on wood furniture. Want to know how to stop a puppy from chewing on wood? Chewing toys can be a great solution to help stop a puppy from chewing on wood and ease their teething pains. Make sure to find ones that are made of durable materials. Just offer your dog a toy whenever he starts chewing on your furniture.
Time for exercise and play is absolutely essential to keeping your dog healthy. If your dog’s chewing behavior is caused by boredom or anxiety, it could be that he’s not getting enough stimulation or attention. Active play time with your dog is the solution.
Dogs are extremely sociable creatures, and you should also be giving them opportunities to socialize with people and other animals. If needed, you may hire a pet sitter or ask a neighbor to help socialize your dog. Tell them to play with him and take him for walks.
Sometimes, deterrents can be harmful if you use them for a long time to prevent your dog's wood-chewing habit. Alternatively, you can make some homemade chewing items. These are totally safe. Also, your dog can get some nutrients. Here is a list of homemade alternatives that are safe for chewing. You can make it at home or brought from any local pet store.
How can a dog stop chewing on wood trim? If your dog is chewing wood, you can try using a dog chewing deterrent like bitter apple spray on the wood. You can also make your own spray by mixing vinegar with apple cider vinegar and spraying it on the wood. Putting black pepper or a gentle chili pepper spray on the furniture might help, too. Some dogs don't like the smell of citrus, so rubbing lemon peel on the wood could also work.
To stop your dog from biting on wood, it's important to understand why they're doing it. Try to prevent the behavior and give them something else to chew on instead. Be consistent with your training, and be patient. It might take some time for your dog to learn that chewing on wood isn't okay. Always praise your dog when they chew on the right things.
Your wooden furniture or table legs have your dog's biting marks! This is because your dog is teething, has a dental issue, has separation anxiety, or is just bored. But whatever the reason, it is not safe for dogs to chew wood. The splinters or chemicals on the furniture can be harmful to your canine.
It is better to prevent your dog from chewing wood. You can train your dog with basic obedience commands like "STOP." Give him some homemade, safe alternatives so he can satisfy his chewing craving.
In the end, the most important thing is that you figure out the exact reason why your dog chews wood. See an animal behaviorist or observe yourself to prevent this behavioral issue.
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My 11 month old GS chews everything. She runs the beach almost daily and has an older GS with her. Large yard. She has destroyed the single exterior of the house 3 x. Eats wires inside the house and anything in the car. She is in basic obedience now. Bitter Apple she loves, yuck too. I am home with her, Retired. 8 inch Marrow bones and rawhide chews too. Any suggestions? Oh wired the house with fence wire too. She ripped it off and again ripped shingles.
My Loretta K is a 12 month old Shi zu and omg her chewing has gotten worse since we got home. She’s chewing on the corner of the walls and my wood table, wood rocking chair and my wood bed. I walk her and she picks up every tree branch big or small. I don’t know what to do??
I have an 8 year old labrador. She is not at all destructive in the house but when we are out in the woods she constantly picks up bits of wood and chews them …. help!
He decimates toys we give him- hard rubber is a challenge to him. I walk him 5-7 nights a week for 3 miles- do I need to walk him more- I know he is a Husky and they are used to a lot of walking- can\'t leave him run around due to his digging as well.
Preston, I also have a rescue husky. He has pruned the whole underneath of my evergreen tree. Will eat any stick he can get ahold of. Hides them in the holes he digs. He has many issues. Chewed up the back porch rug. I will try the apple cider vinager. I wash. N dry his feet when he digs. He hates that. Now when he goes out, I say no dig n wave the towle. Hasnt dug in a week.
I have a 11 month old French Bulldog and he destroyed my daughters brand new bed and also just started chewing on my brand new farmhouse kitchen table! I’m going to try the spray and hope it works.
Lori, l have a 16 wk Pekinese pup. She chews on table legs. Today l have a spray water bottle. I spray her with it when she goes to chew. If stops l gave her a pinch of chickenliver pill pouch. Has worked x2. She is lying at my feet quietly.
Lori, Did it work please
Lori, our French Bulldog is 9 months old and chews everything in sight. Coffee table, dining table as well as the chairs (have had to replace chairs), outside deck, wall and door trim as well as his kitty brother! The worst part is we are renting and he is destroying the property :( i am at my wits end, have tried sprays etc, nothing has worked so far.
I have a 1yr 5 month old border collie she loves chewing wood. Had to get rid of my wooden coffee table as she chewed all the edges. Last night she was trying to destroy my wooden cat statues. I tried a no chew spray doesn\'t deter my Gemma. She has toys, A goat horn, bones to chew on but likes to chew on things that aren\'t hers.
I have an 8 month old American bully and he chews on his food bowl, and has chewed all the wood around my porch. He has chewed spots of the porch and every beam, and the entire handrail. I have tried using hot sause, clove oil, and the anti chew spray nothing works, he also chewed my coffee table inside the house. I don\'t know what to do with him.
Tiffany Stevens, did you ever find a solution!? My american bully is the same!!!
Tiffany Stevens, I’m another American bully owner. She 6-5 months old. She’s taken off wooden water pipe covers a door frame and now started on the door. \r\nDid you manage to find anything that helped you at all. Thanks Di
Tiffany Stevens, I also have a bully and he has chewed my linyl flooring in the kitchen my cupboards and now he has started on my door frames I\'m at my wits end so please if u find something that helps let me know xx
Tiffany Stevens, I have the same problem my puppy is 9 months old pit bull He is chewing up the outside of my house I\'ve Tryed the Apple and cherry bitter hot sauce and vinegar don\'t know what else to do have you found anything that works ???
Tiffany Stevens, I have a 6-month-old pitbull. He when he was younger he chewed a table of mine on the leg. I have found that when he's bored is when he chews. I walk him daily at least 3 mi or better which does help a long with lots of playtime, lots of toys, and lots of attention. They are extremely smart dogs and bore easily. I buy him the braided bully sticks to help with his need to chewy what she makes short work of them. We're still working on the outside issues, chewing on the deck and any piece of wood he thinks he needs to find chew on out there. But we have at least made progress on him not chewing things in the house. That also being said I do not leave him uncrated if I have to go anywhere. And I make sure I give him extra attention and playtime once he's out of the crate.
I have a 1 year old chihuahua mix who like to chew on his wooden bed. How do I get him to stop?
My dog is a Chihuahua he is 10 months old n chrews Linoleum right down to the floor
My nearly 1 yr. old Pomeranian has nearly destroyed my deck chewing on it. I put Vick\'s on the chewed areas but he just finds another place to chew.
I have the same problems I have a recuse dog and chews on wood frame I have tried every spray does not stop her..she has anxiety when I leave for workNancy Wilson,